Experiment Overview
The TIMED Doppler Interferometer (TIDI) will investigate the dynamics
and energetics of the Earth's mesosphere and lower-thermosphere-iono-sphere
(MLTI) from an altitude of 60 to 300 km. TIDI measurements will allow
us to obtain a global description of the vector wind and tem-perature
fields, as well as important information on gravity waves, species
densities, airglow and auroral emission rates, noctilucent clouds,
and ion drifts. TIDI will provide basic information about global winds
and tem-peratures. TIDI will also contribute to the study of MLTI
Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED)
Key Spacecraft Characteristics
Orbital Altitude: 625 km Circular
Orbital Inclination: 74.1o
Total Spacecraft Weight: 660 kg
Spacecraft Size: Mid-Lite class
Launch Vehicle: Delta II 7920 |
Science Objectives
The TIDI interferometer (or Profiler) primarily measures horizontal
vector winds and neutral temperatures from 60 to 300 km, with a
vertical resolu-tion 2.5 km at the lower altitudes and with an accuracy
that approaches ~3 m/sec and ~3 K, respectively, under optimum viewing
conditions. The TIDI design allows for 100% duty cycle instrument
operation during day-time, nighttime, and in auroral conditions.
TIDI views emissions from OI 557.7 nm, OI 630.0 nm, OII 732.0 nm,
O2(0-0), O2(0-1), Na D, OI 844.6 nm, and OH to determine Doppler
wind and temperature through-out the TIMED altitude range. TIDI
also makes spectral ratio observa-tions to determine O2 densities
and rotational temperatures. |